All Radio Amateur Stations World Wide are welcome to take part, and in particular RAFARS Members/ATC/Clubs are asked to take part to put on as many AOTA Stations as possible to make it a great success.
The dates are the first week-end of April but the event can be put on any other times of the year. All that is needed is either a current or an old RAF Military Establishment which was used during the wars or perhaps may still be in current use. The usual AR Licensing Regulations apply. You can either use a SES, GX or /P call-sign and to make it possible for your activation to give out points, you must register with the RAFARS AOTA Manager Vince G4DQP QTHr in or email with details of call-sign to be used, the Location/Airfield, Name and Call-sign of person operating or running the SES.
Once you have registered with Vince G4DQP you will then be able to inform stations worked that you are on the AOTA activations list and points can be claimed from your Station by any Station or SWL for an AOTA Certificate.
The operating details are primarily SSB CW on any Band. However, For the first time RAFARS have decided to include DATA and AM modes in the activations. For this first year PSK, and FT8, RTTY and Olivia will be accepted. It is appreciated that virtually no airfield information can be given, but hopefully the recipient station is able to look up your callsigns, which will hopefully also be on the RAFARS website.
Certificates are available to all Radio Amateurs/SWL. To obtain a Certificate you must work/hear a minimum of 5 AOTA Registered stations for a Bronze Certificate and/or 50 AOTA Registered Stations for a Gold Certificate.
The Cost of a Certificate is £5, payable to RAFARS and sent to Vince G4DQP. Send Vince the usual details required from your log: Date, Time, Call-sign, Band, QTH, Op Name, Name of Airfield or Military Establishment. Do not forget to enclose the address where Certificates are to be returned.
If you have any queries or are not sure of regulations then contact Vince G4DQP QTHr/