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Download the 2024 AGM Registration Form

It is proposed to broadcast the AGM using Zoom in order to allow as many members as possible to participate in the meeting.

It should be noted that this is somewhat experimental and no guarantees are offered as to how this will work on the day! At the very least, it is hoped that members using Zoom will be able to see and hear the AGM presentations and discussions. Hopefully, depending on the number of Zoom attendees, participants will be able to join any discussions during Any Other Business (AOB) and the general discussions following the AGM.

Attendees should bear in mind that combining a live and virtual AGM will be somewhat more complicated than running a purely virtual Zoom meeting, so please bear with us and expect the odd glitch.

Access to the Zoom channel will be as per the RAFARS Friday meetings. Please see the link on the RAFARS Zoom Net page in the website Member Area.

Register to atend the AGM via Zoom
Minutes of the 2023 AGM